My relation with the English

I believe that my relation with the English start up when i was a kid (six or seven years old) at the time that i played my first videogames in some nintendo consoles (no, i haven't the opportunity of playing in any other videogames platforms). Like a sort type of ritual, me and my brothers don't allowed us to play a bunch class of games with the dialogues and sounds in Spanish, they must be on English with the goal of learning it by that way. That project don't last long and my relation with the English take a different path, the path of the music. Because of my adolescent obsession to select a specific type of music to listen at, i ended up listening various pop-punk bands from North America and the U.K, that performs their vocals (obviously)  in English. That was the case at least i discovered the punk-rock of various country's of "Mestizoamerica". At that time (14 years old?) i almost abandoned completely the English.
