Post-grade Studies
3 pictures/paints made by Claudio Gay in the nineteen century
I have the plan to finish the career of anthropology in the physic or biologic mention, after that i don't want to do a Post-grade studies or Magister in the same discipline. Actually i want to take 2 specialization in a technical institutes (in Chile, i believe): one in agronomy and the another in restoration of national patrimonial buildings/objects. This is a new interest for me, i think that that interest have come to me because recently i have been investigating some things about botanic science and books of national interest like the ones that Claudio Gay wrote about Chile in the nineteen century, where he described the flora, fauna and rituals of the locals in this country. I really wanna learn about agronomy and I'm sure that i also have a truly interest in the national or any object or place of historical values.
Here's the link to the images and the Atlas of Physic and Politic History of Chile (Gay, 1854). link:
I really like this area. I think we can work together